One of the recent additions to Tessera is a handlebars helper to generate Markdown-formatted lists of dashboards.

The markdown dashboard item is intended to add documentation and hyperlinking capabilities (or cats!) to dashboards. I like adding a “Related Dashboards” item to high-level dashboards, with links to more detailed dashboards.

The Overview Demo dashboard that’s included with Tessera has an example, which links to the other dashboards which are tagged with the demo or test tags.


This is done with the help of the dashboards-tagged handlebars tag, which takes a single tag name as an argument, and expands to a Markdown list of links to all the dashboards with that tag.

The markdown text for that item looks like this:

Note - please ignore the backslashes, they're an unfortunate problem with the markdown processor that renders these pages.
#### Related Dashboards

\{\{dashboards-tagged "demo"}}

\{\{dashboards-tagged "test"}}