It’s likely that at some point you’re going to want to copy a dashboard from one instance of Tessera to another. You might have an instance running in staging, and you need to copy a new dashboard from staging to production.

I frequently prototype new dashboards in an instance of Tessera running from my local development tree, then copy them to the staging or production server when they’re ready.

Because the UI is powered entirely by a REST API, it’s a simple matter to do this with your favorite command line HTTP tool, such as curl.

All you have to do is issue a GET to retrieve the full definition of the dashboard from the source instance, and pipe that to another curl command executing a POST on the target instance.

Here’s an example:

curl --get -d "definition=true" http://localhost:5000/api/dashboard/35 \
    | curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d @-

This fetches the dashboard with id 35 from my local instance, including the full definition, and pipes it to a POST on our main Tessera instance, taking the body of the post from standard input. Be sure to set the Content-Type header to application/json.

The response will give you URI paths for both the API and UI representations of the new dashboard on the target instance.

    "dashboard_href": "/api/dashboard/206",
    "view_href": "/dashboards/206/alpern-scratch"